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6th International Conference on Polymer Replication on the Nanoscale
University College Dublin
9-10 May 2019
Conference on polymer replication on the nanoscale

Prof. Fengzhou Fang in PRN2019
The 6th International Conference on polymer replication on the nanoscale (PRN2019) was successfully held in Dublin by the UCD Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin) during 9-10 May 2019.
This year, we have 9 invited presentations, 15 oral presentations, 10 poster presentations. Overall we have 29 abstracts submitted. We have overall more than 60 participates including 8 volunteers from MNMT-Dublin.
Our program covers precision/ultra-precision machining of moulds, micro/nano fabrication of moulds, polymer micro/nano replication, polymer additive manufacturing, and applications in microfluidics, medical devices, and optics. I wish you enjoy all the talks and find them useful.
The conference addressed issues in large scale replication of micro- and nanostructures in polymer materials including:
Manufacturing of structured moulds, inserts or shims for polymer replication
Industrial replication technologies, injection moulding, roll-to-roll techniques and other innovative processes
Materials for replication of polymer micro- and nanostructures
Applications for functional micro- and nanostructured polymer surfaces
Metrology and characterisation of micro- and nanostructured polymer surfaces
Simulation and computing of different phenomena in micro- and nanoscale replication
The Polymer Replication on Nanoscale (PRN) conference series has been held previously in Denmark, Switzerland and Germany and is established as an important international forum for leading experts to exchange latest developments, research findings and future vision for polymer micro/nano manufacturing and its applications.
The PRN 2019 invited speakers are
Fengzhou Fang
Helmut Schift
Jens Ducree
Shoufeng Yang
Per Magnus Kristiansen
Michael Gilchrist
Dmitry Kashanin
Xichun Luo
Conor O’Mahon
Read more here

Dr. Conor O’Mahony fromTyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
Dr. Nan Zhang from MiNan Technologies, Dublin, Ireland

Prof. Dr. Per Magnus Kristiansen